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in Sports
How Can I Learn Enough About Sports to Talk to Others?
Dear Lifehacker, Everyone talks about sports at the office. I’m not particularly interested, but I’d like to at least join in and bond with my coworkers. How can I learn just enough to be sociable without wasting a ton of time?
What does it mean to have a world view?
Your world view is how you see and understand the world around you. Reality is filtered through your lens of perceptions and biases which are shaped by your experiences. More
in Career
Step up your PowerPoint engineering!
50 Best PowerPoint Templates 2021: Creative, Corporate & More!
The right template can make or break a presentation. Here’s a list of some of the best PowerPoint Templates you can choose from, to help you succeed in presenting anything from pitches to strategy.
in Management
Company values vs culture
Values guide decision-making and a sense of what’s important and what’s right. Culture is the collection of values, business practices, processes, and interactions that make up the work environment and contribute to the unique social and psychological environment of an organization Values vs Culture – An organization’s values should never really change. They are the […] More
in Productivity
Begin with the end in mind
Begin with the end in mind More
Knowledge is a journey, not a destination
Knowledge is a journey, not a destination More
in Software
What is software abstraction in layman’s terms?
When dealing with large software systems, abstraction is the most effective way to wrap your mind around the entire application. Abstraction means thinking about the ‘what’, instead of thinking about the ‘how’. One way to perform abstraction when programming is the use of functions. The function as a whole has a purpose, ‘what’ it does, […] More
Work like a donkey to get a dunk eeeeee!
Work like a donkey to get a dunk eeeeee! More
How To Stay Super Motivated
There are two elements needed to succeed in business. The first is a good strategy – making sure you’re heading in the right direction and focusing on the most valuable opportunities. The second is how well you do your work. You must perform with speed, positivity, efficiency and drive to achieve great […]
in Culture
Language design
Have you ever noticed how the most common words in the English language like ‘a’, ‘and’, and ‘the’ are very short? They were made short because we have to use them so often. If the word ‘the’ was 12 letters long and three syllables, it would take forever to order a cheeseburger! More
in Economics
How an increase in oil prices causes the price of meat to go up
If the price of oil increases, then the cost of fuel will increase If the cost of fuel increases, then it becomes more expensive to transport food, including meat, across the country in trucks If grocery stores have to pay more for their food products, they will transfer the cost to the consumer That is […] More
in Physics
What would happen if there was no capacitance?
Capacitance is a measure of an object’s ability to store energy in the form of charge and electric potential. If there were no capacitance, that would mean there is no such thing as an electric field or electromagnetic force. Now the electromagnetic force is one of the 4 fundamental forces that govern the universe. If […] More
Loom: Video Messaging for Work
Record and share video messages of your screen, cam, or both. Faster than typing an email or meeting live. Free to use on Mac, Windows, Chrome, and iOS.
in Software
Code Complete 2 Checklists
Use these checklists to make sure you’re following all the best practices at every stage of the software development process.
in Management
A Book in 5 Minutes: “Startup CEO” by Matt Blumberg
Don’t have time to read? Here’s a quick but comprehensive summary of Matt Blumberg’s “Startup CEO: A Field Guide to Scaling Up Your Business”
in Math
Lets Solve Mathematics Problems | YouTube
Hello! Welcome to LetsSolveMathProblems, where we will dive into and explore the intricate, breathtaking realm of mathematics. Your support is a heartfelt so…
in Math
Fibonacci Flower
The Fibonacci Sequence is a series of numbers: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711, 28657, 46368, 75025, 121393, 196418, 317811, … The next number is found by adding up the two numbers before it. More
in Academics
Education cartoon
People are different, have different skills, personalities, experiences, characteristics, etc… but education doesn't adapt and is the same for everyone.#Education #EdTech pic.twitter.com/ey8LnjMq7Q — Growth Hackers 🚀 (@StartGrowthHack) July 2, 2020 More
How your brain is like a smartphone
What is an app? An app, or software program, is a series of instructions and decisions designed to achieve a specific goal. There are different apps for different goals. Some examples of goals that an app can help you accomplish are: To get from point A to point B (navigation app) To communicate (chat app) […] More
in SoftwareHow to solve production problems
It’s been a few weeks since my last post. Things have shifted around for me career-wise, and while I’m enjoying my new position, I’m transitioning out of my old role. Sometimes it…
in DesignHTML Color Picker
Well organized and easy to understand Web building tutorials with lots of examples of how to use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, PHP, Python, Bootstrap, Java and XML.
in Design
uiGradients – Beautiful colored gradients
uiGradients is a handpicked collection of beautiful color gradients for designers and developers.
in Marketing
127 Marketing Tactics – Most Epic Growth Hacking List and Free e
128 marketing tactics from 2105 articles divided into AARRR sections-for pirates and growth hackers. All the Growth Hacks to..
in Cooking
Indian Culinary World – Master the art of Indian Cooking
Secrets of cooking delicious Indian food, from SizzlingPots – join 7000+ students in 120 countries in this masterclass!
in Sports
NFL Football Operations | NFL Football Operations
Take a look behind the scenes to see what NFL Football Operations is doing to ensure the integrity, improve upon the safety and enhance the fan experience of the game.