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    Social Structure

    What is a society? How do we humans all live together in such highly populated cities? How does a society change? There are many different theories of what a…

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    Cell Membrane Overview

    Learn about the basics behind the cell membrane. What makes up the cell membrane and how does it work? How does our cell membrane help sustain life?

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    Theories of Personality

    Ever wonder how our personalities came to be? Learn about the major theories of personality founded by famous psychologists throughout history. Whether you s…

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    Separations and Purifications

    Learn how to separate and purify chemical compounds using organic chemistry laboratory techniques, including extraction, distillation, chromatography, and ge…

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    Sight (Vision)

    Learn about our sense of sight, including the cells responsible for converting light into a neural impulse, the structure of the eye, and how we break down i…

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    Learn about how we perceive the environment through our bodily senses, including our sensation of pain, temperature, pressure, balance, and movement.

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    The Endocrine System

    Dive into the endocrine system! See how the body uses special organs (called glands) that secrete chemical messages (called hormones) in order to properly re…

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    Muscular system

    How do our muscles work? When we decide to kick a ball or shake a leg, how do we get our bodies to do that? Which muscles do we control? Which muscles contro…

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    Lymphatic system

    Welcome to the lymphatic system! Learn about how it is a critical part of the circulatory system. Find out how it comes to the rescue of the cardiovascular s…

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    Learn about learning! How does our environment influence our behavior? What are the consequences of our behavior? Understand the basics of classical and oper…

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    Speed and Velocity

    These videos discuss the meaning of speed and velocity and how to calculate them. Both average and instantaneous speed and velocity will be discussed.

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    Work and Energy

    These videos cover the concepts of work, mechanical advantage, and power. They will also cover the idea of conservation of energy with problems solved involv…

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    Explore the structure of human memory; processes involved in normal encoding, retrieval, forgetting, and aging; and diseases affecting memory.

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    Fluids at rest

    These videos explains physics behind fluids at rest. Some of the ideas explored are density, pressure, Pascal’s principle, Archimedes’ principle, buoyant for…

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    These videos describe what energy is and how to solve problems using the concept of conservation of energy. Energies considered are kinetic energy, gravitati…

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    Enzyme Structure & Function

    Come learn the basics of enzyme structure and function. Enzymes are able to catalyze lots of different biochemical reactions, and make them occur at much fas…

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    FC.6C – Emotion

    Learn about the physiological, behavioral, and cognitive components of emotion. Appreciate how different areas of our brain play a role in emotion. Understan…

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    Explore cognitive development and intelligence, as well as how our minds solve problems, make decisions, and represent knowledge.

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    Carbohydrate Metabolism

    What are the key metabolic pathways that are intimately involved in breaking down or building up glucose? Learn about glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, and the pe…

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