January 28, 2021

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    What Is Tenure? | DiscoverPhDs

    What is Tenure? 

    Tenure is a permanent position awarded to professors showing excellence in research and teaching. Having tenure typically means you can only be dismissed for grave misconduct. This is why most see tenure as a job for life.

    If you’re hired to fill a tenure-line assistant professor position in the United States, the standard is that you’ll be reviewed for tenure and promotion to associate professor in the sixth year. If that succeeds, you’ll have tenure beginning in your seventh year.

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    401(k) vs. Pension Plan: What’s the Difference?

    401(k)s and pensions are both employer-sponsored retirement plans, but pensions are nearly extinct.

    In a 401(k):

    • The employee makes contributions (pre-tax) into the account
    • The employer may or may not match the contribution up to a certain percent
    • The employee can choose where to invest the money
    • The employee assumes all the investment risk. Meaning, however their investments do by the time they retire, that’s the money they get.

    In a pension plan:

    • The employee and/or the employer makes contributions into an investment pool with other employees’ pension money
    • The employee cannot choose how to invest the money. The employer has an investment professional that manages the portfolio.
    • The employer assumes all the investment risk
    • The employer guarantees a monthly payment to the employee for the rest of his life after they retire. The amount of this monthly payment is known to the employee upfront when he first joins the pension plan. 
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    What Is A Collective Bargaining Agreement?

    A collective bargaining agreement (CBA) is a written legal contract between an employer and a Union representing the employees. It is what levels the playing field between workers and management.

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    What is a Union Job?

    As a union worker, you are privy to more benefits than non-union workers. If you’re interested in being part of a union, learn more about them and how to apply.

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    What Is a Union?

    Unions are a democratically formed and controlled organization. It provides support and benefits to its members that might not otherwise be available to the individual employee.

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    Natural gas explained

    Natural gas is a fossil energy source that formed deep beneath the earth’s surface. It is an odorless, colorless gas, largely formed over millions of years from animal and plant remains. It’s made of a variety of compounds, but methane is by far the most significant.

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    Oil, fossil fuels, and petroleum products explained

    We call crude oil and petroleum fossil fuels because they are mixtures of hydrocarbons that formed from the remains of animals and plants that lived millions of years ago in a marine environment before the existence of dinosaurs. Over millions of years, the remains of these animals and plants were covered by layers of sand, silt, and rock. Heat and pressure from these layers turned the remains into what we now call crude oil or petroleum. The word petroleum means rock oil or oil from the earth.

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    What is combustion?

    Combustion is the scientific word for burning. It is the rapid chemical reaction of a substance (known as fuel) with oxygen which products energy (heat and light) and waste by-products. In a car, combustion occurs within the cylinders of the engine. In the cylinder, gas is mixed with air and then ignited with a […]

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    Powertrain – Engine to Wheel (Power Transmission System)

    The powertrain (power transmission system) transfers power from the #engine to the wheels. 

    It is comprised of the following components sequenced in the direction that the power flows: 

    1. Engine – Converts combustion energy into rotational movement using pistons
    2. Transmission – The gears for controlling the torque and speed of the driveshaft
    3. Driveshaft
    4. Differentials – Converts the rotation of the driveshaft into rotation of the perpendicular axels
    5. Axels
    6. [Wheels]
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