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    CEO Mindset – Strategic planning and execution

    Step 1: Create mission, values, and vision statements Mission – Why does our company exist? This is shared internally and externally. Values – What are the core, fundamental values that guide our decision-making? Vision – What do we want to accomplish in 3-5 years? This is the Northstar. This should be the starting place for […] More

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    Startup Boards: How To Run a Board Meeting

    Brad Feld explains that managing your board and the board meeting tempo is one of your responsibilities as a CEO. You want your board members to come to the meeting prepared, understand your expectations, and expect consistency from meeting to meeting.

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    What is Workforce Management Software?

    Workforce Management Software is concerned with scheduling and tracking the workforce. The goal is to distribute and allocate workers in the most effective and efficient way. This is particularly important for organizations with shift workers, such as contact centers and service businesses. Key features of WFM software include: Time and attendance tracking Labor scheduling Compliance monitoring […] More

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    Definition of Management

    Managers coordinate activities with resources to meet their department’s objectives. The primary goal of a manager is to produce high-quality output while keeping costs low and employees happy. Managers produce nothing in and of themselves, rather, they coordinate the work of others. More

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    Resource Management Definition – What is Resource Management

    Resource management is the process by which managers manage their various resources effectively. Those resources can be intangible – people and time – and tangible – equipment, materials, and finances.

    Resources can include things like:

    1. Finances – Can we afford to invest in new equipment or staff training? 
    2. Staffing – Do we have the right people for the work at hand? Will we need to hire if we get that new client and if so, what skills will those people need to have?
    3. Physical space – Is the company’s office or manufacturing space configured for maximum efficiency?
    4. Equipment – Do we have the tools needed to do what’s required?
    5. Technology – What technology does the business need to succeed and should financial resources be reallocated to fund what’s missing?
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    Change management

    Change management is the approach a company takes to prepare, support, and help individuals, teams, and organizations in making organizational change. Change management includes things like redirecting or redefining the roles of employees, changing business processes, budget reallocations, etc. Drivers of change may include the ongoing evolution of technology, internal reviews of processes, crisis response, customer demand changes, competitive pressure, acquisitions and mergers, and […] More

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    Performance Management

    Performance management is an ongoing process of communication between a supervisor and an employee that occurs throughout the year, in support of accomplishing the strategic objectives of the organization. The communication process includes clarifying expectations, setting objectives, identifying goals, providing feedback, and reviewing results.

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    Overhead Definition

    In short, overhead refers to the ongoing business expenses not directly attributed to creating a product or service. It includes everything other than parts and labor.

    Check the link for a more detailed explanation.

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    Principles of Management

    This is an introductory undergraduate course in “Management” offered to students in the “Faculty of Hospitality and Management” at “Prince of Songkla University” in Phuket, Thailand. The textbook is ‘Fundamentals of Management” by Robbins, Decenzo, and Coulter.

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    Corporate Level Strategy

    Today we’re focused on corporate-level strategy, answering the question, “Where we play and how will we win?”. Watch our whiteboard session to understand th…

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