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    Common management mistake

    Managers are judged on how well their direct reports perform. However, many managers spend more time figuring out how they will communicate upwards when it’s actually more important to properly communicate downwards so your staff is effective at reaching the team’s goals. More

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    A manager's demeanor

    You should manage your moods and be even-tempered most of the time. Your employees are aware of what type of mood you are in. But it’s not a good idea if you’re never bothered by anything. Letting your irritants show can be effective once in a while.  More

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    Company values vs culture

    Values guide decision-making and a sense of what’s important and what’s right. Culture is the collection of values, business practices, processes, and interactions that make up the work environment and contribute to the unique social and psychological environment of an organization Values vs Culture – An organization’s values should never really change. They are the […] More

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