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    Difference between “University of” and “State University”

    “University of” schools, like University of Michigan, are usually focused on liberal arts and pure sciences. They have strong programs in law, medicine, and natural sciences. “State University” schools, like Michigan State University, are mostly land-grant university’s that focus on technical disciplines like math and engineering. “University of” schools are usually more prestiges than their […] More

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    Magna Cum Laude vs. Summa Cum Laude

    The terms summa cum laude, magna cum laude, and cum laude may be familiar to you. These three phrases, collectively known as Latin honors, denote distinct levels of excellent intellectual accomplishment. Many colleges and universities in the United States and other regions of the world award Latin distinctions. Some U.S. high schools also provide them. […] More

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    What Exactly Is "Understanding?" And How Do We Assess It

    Blogger Terry Heick looks at the nebulous term “understanding” and how its many interpretations can make student assessment so difficult.

    My own two sense is that knowledge should be learned, developed, and internalized by students through the use of communication and “gap analysis”. They should develop their understanding by elaborating the information in their own words first on paper, and then by talking it out to someone else. This will force them to think it through the concepts from start to finish, like a story. A student’s understanding can then be assessed through a discussion with a teacher who has deeper knowledge and intuition on the subject.

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    Learning Fundamentals: The right way to learn

    Intro Learning is the ability to obtain knowledge and skills that you can recall procedurally, or from memory, in future problem-solving applications or opportunities. The ability to learn is a skill that can be sharpened and improved, contrary to popular belief. You can teach an old dog new tricks!. Surprisingly, the techniques for doing so […] More

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    What Is Tenure? | DiscoverPhDs

    What is Tenure? 

    Tenure is a permanent position awarded to professors showing excellence in research and teaching. Having tenure typically means you can only be dismissed for grave misconduct. This is why most see tenure as a job for life.

    If you’re hired to fill a tenure-line assistant professor position in the United States, the standard is that you’ll be reviewed for tenure and promotion to associate professor in the sixth year. If that succeeds, you’ll have tenure beginning in your seventh year.

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    Key learning strategies

    RETRIEVAL PRACTICE Reviewing what you’ve learned from memory, e.g., through recall, is more effective at instilling lasting ability than re-reading or reviewing notes. Using your memory to retrieve facts, concepts, events, or other ideas strengthens your ability to do so in the future, and “resets” the natural forgetting mechanism. ELABORATION Elaborating on material you have […] More

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    Education cartoon

    People are different, have different skills, personalities, experiences, characteristics, etc… but education doesn't adapt and is the same for everyone.#Education #EdTech — Growth Hackers 🚀 (@StartGrowthHack) July 2, 2020 More

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