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    Judicial Decisions | Episode #22

    Today, Craig Benzine is going to dive into the factors that influence judicial decisions. As you may have noticed, the Supreme Court recently handed down some pretty big decisions on same-sex marriage (in Obergefell v Hodges) and the Affordable Care Act (in King v. Burwell). Now, it’s important to remember that these decisions are not made in a vacuum, but influenced by the other branches of government, political affiliations, and past court decisions. We’re also talk about a judge’s judicial philosophy – that is their relative restraint or activism in making decisions on laws. Judicial restraint is often equated with conservatism, but as we’ll show you, this is not always the case. 

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    Judicial Review | Episode #21

    Today, Craig Benzine is going to tell you about the Supreme Court’s most important case, Marbury v. Madison, and how the court granted itself the power of judicial review. Judicial review is the power to examine and invalidate actions of the legislative and executive branches. It happens at both the state and federal court levels, but today we’re going to focus primarily on the court at the top – the Supreme Court of the United States. Now it’s important to remember that the court has granted itself these powers and they aren’t found within the Constitution, but as with the executive and legislative branches, the courts rely heavily on implied powers to get stuff done.

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    Supreme Court of the United States Procedures | Episode #20

    This week Craig Benzine talks about what happens when a case makes it to the Supreme Court of the United States (or the SCOTUS). We’re going to focus on court procedure today. We talk about how to petition to get your case heard, how written arguments, or briefs, are made, what actually happens on the courtroom floor, and of course the variety of ways the SCOTUS issues opinions on cases.

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    Structure of the Court System | Episode #19

    This week Craig Benzine is going to talk about the structure of the U.S. court system and how exactly it manages to keep things moving smoothly. We’’ll talk about trial courts, district courts, appeals courts, circuit courts, state supreme courts, and of course the one at the top – the U.S. Supreme Court. It’s all quite a bit to manage with jurisdictions and such, but it’s important to remember that the vast majority of cases never even make it to court! Most are settled out of court, but also terms like mootness and ripeness are used to throw cases out altogether. Today, we’re going to focus on how cases make it to the top, and next week we’ll talk about what happens when they get there. 

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    Legal System Basics | Episode #18

    This week Craig Benzine takes a first look at the judicial branch. It’s pretty easy to forget that the courts, and the laws that come out of them, affect our lives on a daily basis. But how exactly these decisions are made and where each law’s jurisdiction starts and ends can get pretty complicated. So complicated in fact that you may want to smash something. But don’t worry, Craig will clear the way. 

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    Complete List of Religions and Belief Systems

    Abrahamic Religions Judaism Conservative Judaism Hasidic Judaism Kabbalah Orthodox Judaism Reform Judaism Zionism Christian Catholicism Eastern Christianity Eastern Orthodox Church Protestantism Anglicanism Baptists Westboro Baptist Church Evangelicalism Vineyard Churches Lutheranism ELCA Methodism Presbyterianism Seventh-Day Adventism Pentecostalism Church of God in Christ Church of God Oneness Pentecostalism Latter-day Saint movement Mormonism Jehovah’s Witnesses Aladura Amish Quakers […] More

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    Holy Trinity

    One God in three Divine Persons: The Father (God), the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit (Holy Ghost). More

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    Holy Spirit

    The Holy Ghost who came down in the form of a dove as the voice of God at Jesus’s baptism in the Jordan River. It came down again as tongues of fire on the day of Pentecost. More

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    A person sent on a religious mission, especially one sent to promote Christianity in a foreign country. More

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    In Christianity, Christ is a title for the savior and redeemer who would bring salvation to the whole House of Israel. Christians believe Jesus is the Israelite messiah foretold in both the Hebrew Bible (Torah) and the Christian Old Testament. More

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    Sabbath is a day of religious observance and abstinence from work, kept by Jews from Friday evening to Saturday evening, and by most Christians on Sunday. More

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    In the Christian Church, baptism is the religious rite of sprinkling water onto a person’s forehead or of immersion in water, symbolizing purification or regeneration and admission to the Christian Church. In many denominations, baptism is performed on young children and is accompanied by name-giving. It is during the baptism that the godparents are assigned. More

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    Christian Holidays

    Ash Wednesday – The first day of Lent Lent – Observed as the 40 day period before Easter. Begins on Ash Wednesday. It is a time for self-examination and preparation for Easter.  Early on Christians used fasting as a visible way to demonstrate this process. Over the years they have relaxed the fasting rules. Today, […] More

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    The Bible

    The Bible is the Christian book of God’s laws, actions, and the plan that God has for humanity. Its writing took over 40 different authors to write over sixteen centuries and is divided into two volumes namely the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament, which comprises 39 books, is the original Hebrew Bible, […] More

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    The Jehovah’s Witnesses

    This sect or denomination is founded by Charles Taze Russell and a known to be missionary zealots. The basis of their organization lies with two branches: the Watchtower Society of Pennsylvania and the Watchtower Society of New York. Structurally it consists of: The board of directors Branch servant District servant Circuit servant Congregation Congregational servants […] More

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    The Mormon Church

    This denomination is popularly known as the Church Of Jesus Of Latter-Day Saints. It was founded by Joseph Smith. It is a highly organized church and is ordered like the Roman Catholic Church. Highlights of its organization include: Melchizedek priesthood; the greatest spiritual empowerment The Aaronic priesthood Plurality of Gods Plurality of wives Celestial marriage More

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    The Seventh-day Adventists

    This Christian denomination is based on the teachings of William Miller and its belief systems are centered on the observance of the original seventh-day Sabbath i.e. Saturday Sabbath and Adventist; their views concerning the Second Coming of Christ. Others include a vegetarian diet and baptism by immersion. The book of Mormon is their main scriptural […] More

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    The Baptist Church

    This Christian denomination traces its origins to Mr. Smyth and is one of the most influential denominations today. There are over 10 major Baptist denominations. Some of its views include predestination, dissuasion from any credo, eternal security, and salvation through faith. More

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    The Episcopal Church

    The Episcopal Church was founded by King Henry VIII. It is known as the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States and the Anglican Church or Church of England in other nations and is a denomination of the Christian Church. Some of its belief systems include Salvation by faith only and liberal theologies. More

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    The Presbyterian Church

    This denomination emanated from John Calvin. Its organization consists of congregations, synods, presbyteries, and the general assembly. Offices include: The Pastor; The Vicar/Representative Of Christ The Ruling Elder The Deacon Some of the beliefs of presbyters include predestination, salvation by faith, and the Apostles Creed. More

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    The Lutheran Church

    This denomination of Christianity was founded by Martin Luther, who nailed 95 theses on the building of a church in Germany to address the misguidance of Catholicism. Belief systems include child sinfulness, modeless baptism, and confession. Creeds of the Lutheran church include: The Apostles Creed The Athanasian Creed The Nicene Creed Some confessions of the […] More

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    Eastern Orthodox Church

    This denomination is a large Christian body that formed after the Great Schism of 1054 AD between Pope Leo IX (leader of the Roman arm of the One, Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church) and Michael Cerularius (leader of the Eastern Branch). This marked the formal separation of the Eastern Orthodoxy from the Catholic Church. They, […] More

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