
Denominations of the church

Denominationalism is the division of the church into several sects that possess no unionism, organization, or doctrine. Its origin stems after the first century when radical unspiritual alterations took place in the church as a result of heavy persecution of the missionaries, many of who were martyred for their faith. This culminated in the founding of the Catholic Church. 

Renouncements of the original Christian doctrine continued to hold sway, further deviating from the teachings of the New Testament. There was widespread adulteration of the Christian doctrine which has become apparent to the leaders of the Catholic Church, who attempted to reform it.

With the 1500s came concerted attempts to eradicate the corrupt practices of Catholicism, and these reformists eventually led to the creation of further denominations. The main ones were Lutheran, reformed, and Presbyterian. The 16th century came with the founding of more Christian denominations including the Episcopal Church, the Methodist church, the Baptist. Others Include the Seventh-Day Adventists, The Baptist Church, The Moron Church, also known as the Church Of Jesus Of The Latter-Day Saints, the Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Pentecostalism.

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Written by Sean

The Spread of Christianity

The Roman Catholic Church