
Energy and Power: Simplified

What is energy?

Energy is the ability to move something.

Energy has two states

Energy can be in two states, potential and kinetic.

Potential energy is a motionless state, where a small change in the conditions of the system can cause something to move.

Kinetic energy is the state in which something is actually moving.

For example, a book at the edge of the table is said to have potential energy because if it is still, but if it is nudged off the edge, it will move and fall to the floor. When it is moving, the state of the energy is kinetic.

Energy has 6 main forms

  1. Chemical – the energy stored in the bonds between atoms in a molecule

  2. Electrical – the energy of flowing electrons, or current

  3. Mechanical – the energy of something on the macroscale physically moving

  4. Radiant – the energy associated with electromagnetic waves, like light

  5. Heat – the energy of vibrating atoms, directly related to temperature

  6. Nuclear – the energy released when the nuclei in atoms are split

Energy transformation

Energy can be changed, converted, or transformed, from one form or state to another.

It cannot be created or destroyed.

Engines (or motors)

An engine, aka motor,  is a machine or device that converts some form of energy into mechanical motion.

Conversion between electrical and mechanical power

Generator: Mechanical to electrical

A generator is a machine or device that converts motion, or mechanical power, into electricity for use in an external circuit.

Electric motor: Electrical to mechanical

An electric motor is the opposite of a generator. It is used to convert electricity into motion.

What is Power?

Technically, power is the amount of energy transferred or converted per unit of time.

However, in most contexts, the term power is used interchangeably with the term energy. If something has power, it has energy, or the ability to move things.

What are machines?

Machines are systems of components that transfer energy, or convert energy from one more to another, to achieve some task.

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Written by Sean

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