
How to Be a Sex God 🤘 (The Missing Manual)

  • Cheer when the dick comes out
  • Make the girl feel like a cat so she stays loose
    • Don’t examine her skin or body with your eyes
    • Don’t worry if she has a lot of pubic hair, who has time for maintaining a clean groin. You can even grab her by her pubes and say gotcha
    • You can have her spin around while she’s naked till she gets dizzy
    • Show excitement when her t comes out for the first time
    • Palm her butt like a basketball
    • If her v smells like sweat, just clean it with a spray bottle and a towel.. it happens
  • She doesn’t need to go down on you, she probably doesn’t want to and you won’t need to go down on her, just get to the sex
  • Watch a lot of porn to learn moves, positions, and sequences
    • Remember specific routines and use them
    • Then start to combine sections of different sequences together
    • The girl may ask for a specific routine if it worked well before
  • If things heat up too quick you can
    • Take a tea break, have something to drink
    • Throw a coat on her to cool down
  • During sex, you can talk to her like your instant messaging. It can be asynchronous and infrequent
  • Short strokes
  • 10 minutes is the right amount of time for sex
  • When you’re done
    • You can say woof if it was a good session
    • During a break and when you’re done, you can applause, or shake her hand (lol)
    • Ask her how you did
    • Ask her who you should hunt down next
    • Tell her you’re adding her to your index
  • You should practice positions, drills, and sequences when you’re by yourself

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Written by Sean

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