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    All about beer fabrication

    Hops Hops are perhaps the best-known ingredient in beer, providing flavor and aroma in a variety of differing degrees. The plant itself is a flowering vine (latin name: Humulus lupulus). In addition to bitterness, hops provide stability, citrus notes, zest, and spice to a brew. Malt There are many grains that can be used in […] More

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    Types of Beers

    Ales Ales are a rich beer variant offering a wide array of flavors and colors: from bitters to milds, pales to ambers, there are also abbey ales, nut brown ales, and many more, including Blue Moon. They are top-fermented, brewed at cellar temperature, and generally have malty or fruity aromas. Lagers Lagers are bottom-fermented, and […] More

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