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    Understanding Time Zones

    What this video to learn how the global time zone system works.

    After watching the video, check this map as a reference: 

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    The Law of Averages

    The Law of Averages is the belief that a particular outcome of a random event will occur at a frequency that is similar to its probability if the random event happens many, many times. For example, the Law of Averages says that if you roll a die 100 times, you will roll a 4 approximately […] More

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    The Digital Marketing Bible

    Reference: Excerpts from the Google Garage Digital Marketing Course Digital Marketing Cheat Sheet The digital real estate for your business Your website Your social media accounts Local business listings on Google and Bing Search engines – The number one way how websites are found! Organic search – improve your ranking using SEO You should rank […] More

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    in cahoots

    in cahoots

    Meaning to do something in hiding or secret because it is morally or socially not acceptable in league, but usually referred as a negative thing, a disreputable partnership …

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    in dire straits or need

    in dire straits or need

    Meaning experience difficult financial conditions or circumstances in a very serious, bad circumstance in extreme danger or difficulty causing or involving great fear .nn

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    status quo

    status quo

    Meaning | Definition the existing condition the current status of affairs, particularly about political or social matters the normal condition with regards to social and political …

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    on the mend

    on the mend

    Meaning to improve in health after an illness to be restored to a previous, better condition if a relationship is on the mend then it …

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    CEO Mindset – Strategic planning and execution

    Step 1: Create mission, values, and vision statements Mission – Why does our company exist? This is shared internally and externally. Values – What are the core, fundamental values that guide our decision-making? Vision – What do we want to accomplish in 3-5 years? This is the Northstar. This should be the starting place for […] More

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    Office equipment

    The different types of office equipment. CLICK THE LINKS TO LEARN HOW TO SET UP OR USE THEM: Computer Technology Multiple monitors Desktop computer Laptop and docking station – Some office laptops are physically designed to be connected to a docking station from the same brand. For example, an HP laptop is designed to fit […] More

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    Startup Boards: How To Run a Board Meeting

    Brad Feld explains that managing your board and the board meeting tempo is one of your responsibilities as a CEO. You want your board members to come to the meeting prepared, understand your expectations, and expect consistency from meeting to meeting.

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    Definition of Management

    Managers coordinate activities with resources to meet their department’s objectives. The primary goal of a manager is to produce high-quality output while keeping costs low and employees happy. Managers produce nothing in and of themselves, rather, they coordinate the work of others. More

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    Resource Management Definition – What is Resource Management

    Resource management is the process by which managers manage their various resources effectively. Those resources can be intangible – people and time – and tangible – equipment, materials, and finances.

    Resources can include things like:

    1. Finances – Can we afford to invest in new equipment or staff training? 
    2. Staffing – Do we have the right people for the work at hand? Will we need to hire if we get that new client and if so, what skills will those people need to have?
    3. Physical space – Is the company’s office or manufacturing space configured for maximum efficiency?
    4. Equipment – Do we have the tools needed to do what’s required?
    5. Technology – What technology does the business need to succeed and should financial resources be reallocated to fund what’s missing?
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    Change management

    Change management is the approach a company takes to prepare, support, and help individuals, teams, and organizations in making organizational change. Change management includes things like redirecting or redefining the roles of employees, changing business processes, budget reallocations, etc. Drivers of change may include the ongoing evolution of technology, internal reviews of processes, crisis response, customer demand changes, competitive pressure, acquisitions and mergers, and […] More

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    Performance Management

    Performance management is an ongoing process of communication between a supervisor and an employee that occurs throughout the year, in support of accomplishing the strategic objectives of the organization. The communication process includes clarifying expectations, setting objectives, identifying goals, providing feedback, and reviewing results.

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    Corporate Responsibility

    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the act of integrating social and environmental concerns/initiatives into a company’s planning and operations. The reason many companies have a CSR program is to contribute to the well-being of the communities and society they affect and on which they depend. CSR programs vary in scope, but a few common initiatives […] More

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    Principles of Management

    This is an introductory undergraduate course in “Management” offered to students in the “Faculty of Hospitality and Management” at “Prince of Songkla University” in Phuket, Thailand. The textbook is ‘Fundamentals of Management” by Robbins, Decenzo, and Coulter.

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