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    axe to grind

    have an axe to grind also have an ax to grind

    Meaning have a private or selfish reason for doing something have an ulterior motive have a strong …

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    ad hoc

    Ad hoc

    Meaning something arranged, started, or done only when necessary but not planned earlier …

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    Meaning this phrase refers to artists whose work was ahead of their times it refers to legends in the artistic world or musicians or writers who could …

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    the benefit of the doubt

    the benefit of the doubt

    Meaning | Synonyms regards a person as innocent unless confirmed otherwise to be judged innocent, unless the conviction is proved to treat a person …

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    turn a blind eye

    turn a blind eye

    Meaning | Synonyms deliberately overlook to intentionally ignore something ignoring the objectionable affair of someone or something to disregard someone/something and pretend to be …

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    bark up the wrong tree

    bark up the wrong tree or be barking up the wrong tree

    Meaning waste one’s efforts by pursuing the wrong thing or path to make a wrong choice make …

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    rock the boat

    rock the boat

    Meaning: do or say something causes problem. Example: The government asked the Prime Minister not to take firm action on protesters as it certainly doesn’t want anything …

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    bear the brunt of

    bear the brunt of

    Meaning | Synonyms to be bearing the main force that came from a blow to absorb the attack take the main force, often of …

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    let bygones be bygones

    let bygones be bygones

    Meaning what’s done is done don’t worry about the past, especially past mistakes or grievances to forget past differences and conflicts let the unpleasant …

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    burn the candle at both the ends

    burn the candle at both the ends

    Meaning exhaust someone’s energies or resources by leading a hectic life to engage in an activity, usually work related, from early …

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    burn the midnight oil

    burn the midnight oil

    Meaning work long hours and hard to be working until late in the night to work very hard and for long hours into the …

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    bury head in the sand

    bury head in the sand

    Meaning: refuse to think about an unpleasant situation, hoping that it will improve so that you will not have to deal with it. …

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    bee in bonnet

    have a bee in bonnet

    Meaning be possessed with one thought or scheme to be obsessed with an idea Example Sentences The man has a real bee in …

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    go by the book

    go by the book

    Meaning do things strictly according to the written rules, etc. according to the rules and norms to strictly follow the applicable guidelines to do …

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    build bridges

    build bridges

    Meaning to foster good relationships to support friendly relations between hostile groups help to restore a friendly relationship after a disagreement improve relationships between people who …

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    backhanded compliment

    backhanded compliment

    Meaning: ambiguous statement – one that can be taken as a compliment, but which might also be seen as an insult. Example: She told him that …

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    can of worms

    a can of worms

    Meaning to get into something that is messy, has problems and is unwanted something that is complicated and involves a lot of hassle (to …

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    put the cart before the horse

    put the cart before the horse

    Meaning to do things in the wrong order or sequence to do something in wrong manner reverse the right method of doing …

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    let the cat out of the bag

    let the cat out of the bag

    Meaning to let a secret out in the open to allow something that is hidden to be revealed to reveal something …

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    catch-22 situation

    Meaning the particular situation in which one cannot win a paradoxical situation from which an individual cannot escape because of conflicting restrictions a difficult situation a …

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    throw caution to the winds

    throw caution to the winds

    Meaning to take a decision without caring about the negative effects that come with it to not worry about the ill effects of …

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    chink in armour

    chink in armour

    Meaning: a susceptible or vulnerable area. Example: She is a brilliant social worker but her lack of political awareness may be the chink in her armour … 

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    chip off the old block

    chip off the old block

    Meaning: similar to one’s parents in behavior, character or personality. Example: Same like his brother, he is a chip off the old block, very …

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    when the chips are down

    when the chips are down

    Meaning: when a situation is urgent or desperate. Example: She’s the person you would like to have around when the chips are down.

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    strike a chord

    strike a chord

    Variants strike a note; strike the note touch a chord; touch the chord touch a note; touch the note

    Meaning to trigger a strong memory, to create an emotional response to something or a situation …

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    clean sweep

    clean sweep

    Meaning an irresistible victory easy success to defeat the competitor very easily win devastatingly Example Sentences The forecasters are predicting of making a clean sweep for the …

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    cold feet

    cold feet

    Meaning | Synonyms loss of courage failure of confidence to hesitate a lot suddenly become too frightened to do something one had planned to do Example …

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