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    to heart’s content

    to heart’s content

    Meaning to gain full satisfaction when the limit is up to the requirement of the other person the extent to which the person feels satisfied, …

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    cup of tea

    cup of tea

    Meaning to like something to one’s liking, taste and so forth if it is “your cup of tea” it is something that you prefer something …

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    cut corners

    cut corners

    Meaning economise on time, money, materials or effort, perhaps unwisely to do something in a cheap and easy way leaving out steps when doing something, often …

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    curry favour

    curry favour

    meaning seek to gain advantage by flattery the act of praising someone so that some benefit or advantage can be gained usually seen as overbearing courteousness …

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    cut both ways

    cut both ways

    Meaning: have two different effects at the same time, usually one good and one bad. Example: Watching TV cuts both ways; it makes people know … 

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    off the cuff

    off the cuff

    Meaning in an unguarded way to speak without any preparation to speak something without thinking about it spontaneous, casual, extempore and informal remark Example Sentences …

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    in cahoots

    in cahoots

    Meaning to do something in hiding or secret because it is morally or socially not acceptable in league, but usually referred as a negative thing, a disreputable partnership …

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    come to a head

    come to a head

    Meaning | Synonyms to reach a point in a situation where action needs to be taken a culmination of events leading to a conclusion …

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    all in a day’s work

    all in a day’s work

    Meaning | Synonyms refers to the work that is done regularly by someone all part of one’s normal routine or job or range …

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    day of reckoning

    day of reckoning

    Meaning: the time when an unpleasant situation has to be dealt with. Example: Ignoring the study near exams will definitely bring you the day of reckoning …

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    get a raw deal

    get a raw deal

    Meaning: unfair treatment. Example: She got a very raw deal in terms of his father’s will: everything was left to her younger sister.

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    a dime a dozen

    a dime a dozen

    Meaning something very common and not having much value something that is abundant, cheap and very common something that is very common and not …

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    dog eat dog

    dog eat dog

    Meaning a very competitive world ruthlessly competitive business environment marked by destructive or ruthless competition, without self-restraint, ethics, etc. do anything to be successful, even …

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    down the drain

    down the drain

    Meaning to waste something to a futile end (nothing good happens in the end) in a state of ruin to waste something (usually money) on …

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    at the drop of a hat

    at the drop of a hat

    Meaning at the slightest signal immediately, without delay without any hesitation without any planning and for no obvious reason Example Sentences We …

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    a drop in the ocean

    a drop in the ocean

    Variants a drop in the bucket a drop in the sea a drop in the river

    Meaning | Synonyms a very tiny part of something big …

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    Meaning rich and of good social status having plenty of money and possessions in favorable circumstances in fortunate circumstances financially Synonyms wealthy; rich; well-off; well-heeled; affluent; prosperous; …

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    turn a deaf ear

    turn a deaf ear

    Meaning choose not to hear refuse to listen to ignore what someone says Example Sentences Please do not just turn a deaf ear to their …

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    in dire straits or need

    in dire straits or need

    Meaning experience difficult financial conditions or circumstances in a very serious, bad circumstance in extreme danger or difficulty causing or involving great fear .nn

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    do the trick

    do the trick

    Meaning: successfully achieve a result do just what is required get the preferred consequence Examples: If nothing seems to be working, just pray to the …

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    add insult to injury

    add insult to injury

    Meaning to make a bad situation worse to further hurt the feelings of someone who has already been hurt to worsen an unfavorable or uncomfortable …

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    save your breath

    save your breath

    Meaning: to not waste effort on something that has no outcome refraining from a futile effort avoid explaining or advising someone when it has no impact …

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    cry over spilt milk

    cry over spilt milk also cry over spilled milk

    Meaning to be upset about things that have already been done to cry about past events that cannot be undone …

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    to a T

    to a T , down to a T, to a tee

    Meaning | Synonyms done precisely in an exact manner to a limit of perfection with great heed …

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    turn the tables

    turn the tables

    Meaning: change your position with respect to someone else turning an unfavorable circumstance into one of favor to make one’s plan turn back on them …

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    devil’s advocate

    devil’s advocate

    Meaning | Synonyms one who presents a counter argument one who argues against something just for the sake of arguing, without actually being committed to the …

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