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    the lion’s den

    the lion’s den

    Meaning | Synonyms a place which is uncomfortable an unpleasant situation falling into the state of antagonism indulging in rivalry a dangerous and difficult moment …

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    heavy heart

    heavy heart

    Meaning | Synonyms attaining a state of grief very unhappy about something feeling Depressed feeling miserable about something under deep sadness going through a tough time …

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    like a bat out of hell

    like a bat out of hell

    Meaning | Synonyms very fast and crazily occurring rapidly moving fast extremely quick happening without any pause something happening abruptly with great …

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    take for a ride

    take for a ride

    Meaning to trick somebody to lie to somebody to deceive them to abduct someone with the intention of murdering them Synonyms cheat deceive swindle …

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    white lie

    white lie

    Meaning | Synonyms a harmless lie a small or unimportant lie a lie that that is meant to spare someone’s feelings to lie about a small …

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    lion’s share

    lion’s share

    Meaning | Synonyms the biggest part of something in a large ratio a large amount of share refers to a huge portion of something getting most …

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    on the tip of my tongue

    on the tip of my tongue

    Meaning | Synonyms something like a name or word that you know it but cannot remember at a particular moment anything that …

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    turn over a new leaf

    turn over a new leaf

    Meaning | Synonyms to alter your behaviour in a positive way to start fresh to change course to start afresh to change track …

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    mull over

    mull over also, mulling things over

    Meaning | Synonyms to take a long time to make a decision to spend a large amount of time considering ones options …

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    kick the can down the road

    kick the can down the road

    Meaning to avoid dealing with a problem to postpone dealing with something in the hopes that it becomes someone else’s problem to …

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    at odds

    at odds

    Meaning | Synonyms to disagree about something to argue about a matter two things that seem to be opposites in conflict at variance in disagreement or …

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    drain the swamp

    drain the swamp

    Meaning | Synonyms rooting out the practice of corruption preventing to uprooting something that is harmful originally means the draining swamps to get rid of …

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    hit or miss

    hit or miss also,  hit and miss

    Meaning | Synonyms might be good or bad at different times …

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    on a tear

    on a tear

    Meaning | Synonyms very active or suddenly active rise quickly a sudden burst of energy drinking (alcohol) heavily a winning streak Example Sentences Peter called …

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    ahead of the curve

    ahead of the curve also, behind the curve (negative form)

    Meaning | Synonyms better than others ahead of current trends or thinking in front of others with a new …

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    pipe dream

    a pipe dream

    Meaning | Synonyms an impossibility a dream or fantasy something that is unlikely to happen something that will not work a hope, plan or idea …

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    in light of

    in light of also in the light of

    Meaning | Synonyms because of in view of take something into consideration/account information that affects something knowledge that sheds light on …

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    fight tooth and nail

    fight tooth and nail also, fight tooth and claw

    Meaning | Synonyms to fight very fiercely to compete for something ferociously the intense battle to achieve something combat …

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    a hard nut to crack

    a hard nut to crack also, a tough nut to crack

    Meaning | Synonyms a problem that is difficult to solve a person that is difficult to deal with …

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    fan the flames

    fan the flames

    Meaning | Synonyms make a bad situation even worse say or do something to make someone angrier or more incensed than they already are stir …

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    pay lip service

    pay lip service

    Meaning to agree by word of mouth only verbally support something saying you are in favour but do nothing else insincere declaration of support, affection, …

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    bang for the buck

    bang for the buck

    Meaning more value for money more firepower for the money spent better result than the effort put into something a good deal Example Sentences …

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    come to think of/about it

    come to think of it also, come to think about it

    Meaning something that has just occurred to us as we speak something remembered or reflected on at this …

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    outside the lines

    outside the lines also, color outside the lines

    Meaning not sticking to the rules act or behave in a non-traditional way think creatively or out of normal boundaries not …

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    Meaning | Synonyms a method of censoring or controlling content on the internet the act of blocking a user’s content on social media sites restricting the visibility …

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    set the bar

    set the bar (high or low)

    Meaning fix the standards acceptable for the task establish the desired level of quality or competence required the minimum or maximum expected …

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    rest assured

    rest assured

    Meaning emphasizing that there is no need to worry stressing determination to do something confidence that something will happen Example Sentences You can rest assured that …

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